@MAJOR TITLE = MEDICAL PRACTICE @PROG TITLE = ME001: MED #1 v1.07 (3 disks) |F:\ME\ME001*.ZIP This easy to use, one key menu driven, medical office management system can be personalized for individual practices. Features to numerous to list. Shareware version 100 patient limit. All other functions fully enabled. Requires 640k & HD. (ASP)(Registration $395.00) @PROG TITLE = ME002: Dental #1 v1.06 (3 DISKS) |F:\ME\ME002*.ZIP Complete Menu Driven Dental Office Management System. Features Patient Statements, Patient Ledgers, Superbill or Insurance claim printed, Form ADA 1985 supported, Access to account or patient ledger for collections at any time. Also provides daily recaps, month to date summary, and aged A/R Statements. Shareware version 100 patient limit. Requires 640k,HD, MGA/CGA (Registration $249.00) @PROG TITLE = ME003: 6-Step Stress Manager v1.0 |F:\ME\ME003*.ZIP Developed by two practicing clinical psychologists who specialize in the management of stress. This package provides a stress management program for computer users that is entirely self contained. Users are guided through a 6 step program and given detailed information on how to proceed with each step. Requires 512k. (Registration $49.95) (ASP) @PROG TITLE = ME004: Health Quest v2.1 (2 Disks) |F:\ME\ME004*.ZIP Health Quest will make diagnostic and dietary suggestions based upon symptomology and information concerning dietary input. These suggestions are advisory only, but can quickly identify nutritional areas which are worth exploring. (Registration $10.00) @PROG TITLE = ME005: HealthAide (2 disks) |F:\ME\ME005*.ZIP Limit your consumption of fat, particularly saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium while increasing your intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates in accordance with these recommendations. HealthAide measures your daily intake of vitamins, fiber, cholesterol, minerals, electrolytes, fats, protein, carbohydrates, sodium and even some trace minerals. It performs a analysis of your personal profile toward reaching your ideal weight whether you need to gain or lose weight. The suggestions and analyses presented in the program are based on recommendations of experts such as the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, published experts and publications of the United States Department of Agriculture and The Human Nutrition Information Service. (Registration $30.00) @PROG TITLE = ME006: The Better Diet Analyzer v4.09 |F:\ME\ME006*.ZIP Analyze and monitor your diet. Want to lower your cholesterol, lose weight or learn more about your diet habits, this program can help. Database contains information on more than 1,000 food items, including fast-food restaurants and brand-name products. Easily add nutritional information on any food to the database. (Registration $24.95) @PROG TITLE = ME007: MANAGING YOUR FOOD v3.61 |F:\ME\ME007*.ZIP Complete food manager designed for food manufacturers, restaurant managers, dieticians, diabetics, and the home shopper. Its use is easy enough for the novice, yet comprehensive enough for a professional dietitian. The program will track cost, protein, carbohydrates, fat, calories, cholesterol, fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, food exchanges, and percent RDA. It can output a shopping list arranged by store and aisle and deduct the quantity from the inventory. The cost and nutritional information, by serving, is automatically figured for each recipe, meal, or plan as it's added or updated. Although MYF comes with recipes and ingredients, which are yours to use, it is easily extended and designed to manage your food using your recipes. Additional ingredients, recipes, meals, or plans may be added, and any existing information may be easily modified. It comes with complete documentation, on line help, pull down menus, and tutorial. Requires 512k, supports mouse, HD recommended. Registration $35.00 (ASP). @PROG TITLE = ME008: Better Eyesight |F:\ME\ME008*.ZIP Exercises to improve your vision. This set of exercises if done twice daily, taking 14 minutes each time may improve your vision. They are based on exercising the large muscles located behind the eye which can help control focus. Requires CGA/EGA/VGA. (Registration $29.95) @PROG TITLE = ME009: Leaner v2.00 |F:\ME\ME009*.ZIP This is a collection of behavioral modification strategies and motivational techniques that turn your PC into a motivational tool for weight control. No traditional diary method can provide so many different ways of reviewing your entries without forcing you to do the plotting and charting. LEANER keeps the fire going by graphing, reporting, charting and reviewing your progress. Use Metric or English weights and measures. There's more than enough chart space to keep a large family's headway neat and tidy (20 charts/directory and virtually unlimited directory space). LEANER sweats the small stuff, you stay focused on getting into shape. (Registration $35.00) @PROG TITLE = ME010: Non-Medical Pain Relief v2.0 |F:\ME\ME010*.ZIP This disk will help you overcome minor aches and pains. Through the use of its virtual book interface you can instantly go to any page or subject. Instead of a printed book it is designed to by read on your computer. It instantly shows you how to apply a combination of techniques including Shiatsu, Swedish massage, Foot Reflexology, Acupressure, and others gleaned from a variety of Eastern and Western sources. When you or your family and friends need relief, the applicable knowledge will be there! Requires a graphics card. (Registration $19.95) @PROG TITLE = ME011: Backache Relief Now! v5.6 |F:\ME\ME011*.ZIP Tutorial discusses back pain relief including spinal anatomy, backaches and computer operators, arthritis, the "slipped" disc, aging and back pain, sports for back pain sufferers, tumors, infectious diseases, posture, new medical technology, the orthopedic exam, chiropractic manipulation, pregnancy, little- known therapies, exercises, medications. Registration $25.00 (ASP) @PROG TITLE = ME012: Me & My Metabolism v1.00|F:\ME\ME012*.ZIP Me & My Metabolism examines basal metabolic rate, assesses total energy expenditure and evaluates eating style. Find your answers to questions like Why do I eat the way I do? How much effort significantly raises my activity level? Do I need to do something to balance calories eaten with calories burned? All this and more. Registration $20.00 (ASP) @PROG TITLE = ME013: Aerobic Exercise Log Book v1.00|F:\ME\ME013*.ZIP AeroChart is an aerobic exercise logbook and graphing program. AeroChart helps formulate a set of easy to reach exercise goals and attain them. Graphs and reviews track your daily and monthly progress. Calculates aerobic points and calories expended from 48 different exercises. Accommodates large families, health organizations, fitness centers, and corporate wellness programs. Insures privacy for personal charts. Incorporates your personal strategies and techniques. And that's just a few of the many features! Requires HD, and EGA/VGA. Registration $25.00 (ASP) @PROG TITLE = ME014: Personalized Training Diary (PTD) 2.11 (3 disks)|F:\ME\ME014*.ZIP A Sports/Fitness Diary for the endurance athlete. Besides tracking the basics like distance, time, pulse rates, users can define up to 10 categories like weather, route, equipment, and up to 25 attributes under each like hot, humid, cool under weather. Able to quick scan and do custom reports. Can search on any combination of fields, categories, attributes. Requires 640k, HD. Registration $79.95 (ASP). @PROG TITLE = ME015: Tolman Dental Program v3.1 (2 disks)|F:\ME\ME015*.ZIP Complete management program for a small to mid-sized dental office. Easy to learn with online help and User's Manual, it will handle billing, insurance (automatic handling of double insurance), recalls, referral tracking, birthday cards, various production reports, user defined patient lists, mail merge and much more. Requires 640k, HD. Registration $599.00 (ASP). @PROG TITLE = ME016: MED_ICD9 v1.03|F:\ME\ME016*.ZIP AMA ICD-9-CM search and locate utility. ICD-9-CM search utility to allow all medical practitioners and medical billing professionals to quickly locate desired ICD-9-CM codes. Requires: DOS 3.0 or higher, 640k, HD. Registration $100.00 @PROG TITLE = ME017: Alternative Health Guide |F:\ME\ME017*.ZIP A pictures and text tutorial about nutrition, attitude, exercise, no-medical pain relief and more. Requires VGA and HD. Freeware. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ This text is copyright (c)1992, $ave On $oftware. ³ ³ It may not be reproduced in whole or in part without ³ ³ written permission from copyright holder. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ